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Professional Identity in Flux: Preliminary Analysis of the Evolution of Communication Roles on LinkedIn

Rhetoric and Communications, Issue 62, January 2025

ISSN 1314-4464


​DOI 10.55206/UHUY2598

This article explores the transformative evolution of professional iden tity and communication roles shaped by digital transformation and advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). LinkedIn, a leading social media platform for busi ness and employment, serves as the focal point for examining the shifting land scape of professional skill sets and the qualifications demanded by modern organizations in three areas – marketing, communications and content management. By examining job postings, the preliminary analysis underscores the growing inter section between technology and professional identity in today’s dynamic workplace.

Revolutionizing Education: The Transformative Power of AI Technologies in PR

Postmodernism Problems, 13(3), 307-320, 

​E-ISSN 1314-3700


DOI: 10.46324/PMP2303307​

In the coming years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to make a profound impact on higher education, particularly within the field of Public Relations (PR). This surge in the adoption of AI technologies in academia is fuelled by compelling factors. AI is on the verge of transforming PR practices, elevating the efficiency and effectiveness of communication strategies. The data-driven prowess of AI equips PR professionals with enhanced capabilities to understand and engage with target audiences, tailor messages with precision, automate routine tasks, such as content creation, social media management, and data analysis, and liberate practitioners from administrative burdens. 


Unsere moderne Gesellschaft bringt durch den Einsatz moderner Technologien und das Voranschreiten der Automatisierung eine neue Art der Kommunikation zwischen Milliarden ihrer Mitglieder hervor. Aufgrund der technologischen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre ist mittlerweile mehr als die Hälfte der Menschheit in den wichtigsten Bereichen des öffentlichen Lebens eingebunden – in einigen Ländern die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung. 

The Role of Intelligent Technologies in Communications

Rhetoric and Communication. A Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal – ISSN 1314-4464

Today we live in an age of chains and the disappearance of hierarchical structures, in which companies create products and services for the future when the strategic role of communications develops and modifies in correspondence with the dynamics of a global transformation. To meet increasing expectations, public relations and marketing professionals attempt to enhance their toolkit by joining a variety of technological solutions to make their work more efficient. 

Online shopping: trends and challenges in establishing B2B eCommerce platforms

​ISSN 1313-9908

The adoption of electronic trading platforms by organizations in developed countries has progressed significantly in the second decade of the XXI century. Today, as a digitalized industry model, e-commerce has become one of the main forms in the recent corporate environment and occupies an important position in economic growth through its distinct advantages. This article explores the technological developments and the effective promotion of online shopping, as well as the specific communication in the so-called. B2B platforms.

Virtual and hybrid events - a key tool in the marketing transformation

ISSN 1314-3794


Business, education, and community organizations perceive digital solutions as an effective way to stay relevant in an increasingly competitive world in which the involvement of consumer attention and communication through various forms of communication prevails. This publication focuses on current practices with the question of what tomorrow’s event is, how hybrid it is, and how it uses user interaction, as well as the position of empathy in the virtual environment.

Functions of digitalisation in communication  4.0

Rhetoric and Communication. A Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal – ISSN 1314-4464

The article explores trends in measuring the effectiveness of digital campaigns of global corporate structures by evaluating current analytical tools. A definition of a digital campaign and the conditions under which it performs are proposed. The article is based on theoretical sources from the past decade.

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